Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Help! I need space

Q:First off,let me say I love my bf! The only problem is that he wants to spend time with me 24/7. I need some space asap. I miss my girlfriends and I want to hang out with them. How can I squeeze in some ME time w/o hurting his feelings. Help!

A: Don't panic! This is a very common dating dilemma typically in the early [honeymoon] stages of a relationship. Here's what you do

1)* Tell him. Very gently and sweetly say that you like/love him very much but it'll be best not to spend every waking minute together. Start with every other day or so. Make a point of how successful couple need to maintain separate identities! And always how distance makes the heart grow fonder.The last thing you want to do is overdose on your honey.


2) If you have a routine already of when you hang out. For example,Thursday night dinners. So before that dinner night,just cancel. Tell him that something came up (girlfriend just broke up with her beau) and enjoy your night of freedom. Warning: he may freak out but it'll be temporary. If he doesn't get the hint the first time then keep doing the canceling of plans til he does. Double warning: He might think you're tired of him and want to break up.

*Recommended plan

Good Luck,

Why are we ashamed of our vaginas?

This question really dawned on me today. Well,it all started when I went to CVS. I have my period and ran out of pads. So,I get my pads [Always brand] blah blah and wait on line. In front of me, there was two boys. One of them turns around to have an awkward mini staring contest.He looks at me,at the pads then back at me. Weirdo Boy reverts his attention back to his friend but not for long.He decides to look at me,at the pads then back at me. Finally the cashier calls them up and the awkward exchange ends.Yes,Idiot Boy...I have a vagina. I'm 20 years old,way past puberty and once a month I have what doctors call a menstrual cycle. There seems to be this embarrassment embedded in us women when we have to anything feminine hygiene and health related.Many examples include pads,douches,plan b bill,dental dams,panty liners,female/male condom ,tampons,bikini wax etc.Our bodies are what makes us irresistibly goddesses! If men had a vagina they'll know what high-maintenance and femininity really entails.I for one refuse to be ashamed anymore. Join me ladies and hold your head up high in the checkout line! And of course to desensitize the rest of world,everyday scream "VAGINAS ARE BEAUTIFUL" really loud in a crowded area. Ok,maybe don't do that....


Sunday, February 19, 2012

My first question....

Q: If you have a boyfriend are you obligated to buy him things like dinner and such or are you supposed to let him pay, if you don't buy him things is that a bad thing? -Anonymous

A: Dear Anonymous,

To have a successful relationship the only obligation both parties must hold is to have good means of communication,trust,friendship and amazing sex. Everything else is optional. I'm guessing you have a very generous bf. The very generous bf typically likes buying you things because he loves to see you happy and taken care of. And automatically that makes him feel good. It'll be sweet on occasion if you could give him a reminder that you appreciate him [different than just saying it,of course]!!! It could be a dinner date,you in lingerie ;),new watch,home cooked meal etc. Be creative! I'm a traditionalist in the sense that I feel men should pay for breakfast,brunch,lunch & dinner least 99.999% of the time.

Good Luck,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here's how it works...

This blog can only thrive if YOU get involved. So this is an advice blog,so if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. My email address is I will answer every single question I receive. I know I'll sound like a jaded New Yorker but I've seen and heard it all,haha.

I can't wait to hear from you all & I think this will be a beautiful experience:)

Twitter: @BrooklynGalDat
Facebook: Sharifa Constantine [Let me know that you're fan of love&unfortunate things]

The Introduction

Hello Readers,

My name is Sharifa. I'm 20 years old and on occasion people tell me I'm wise beyond my years. And sometimes I act just like a typical 20 year old and quickly regret it. I hate the word regret...but sometimes no other word seems to fit. I'm still figuring myself out blah blah [insert more cliche sayings here]. But it's so true,I've learned that I get bored so easily. From boys,style,majors and even friends. Maybe I have HUGE intimacy and trust issues or I have yet to find something or someone to stimulate me and to teach me something new about myself and the world everyday.Shouldn't relationships be about learning from one another?

Currently,I'm a Psychology/Early Childhood's fine,i guess. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. And I find college to be a load of bullcrap but that's for a different post:D I would love to become a successful writer and have my own column or even better yet my own magazine or ya know a mega-popular blog*waves* I can't picture myself slaving to help a douche get a dollar. I hate following orders and cycles. I hate cycles (especially menstrual cycles)and routines doing the same thing every single gotdamn day. Or you know the life cycle we're all suppose to adhere to ------> Finish HS. Graduate College.Work.Marry&Have Babies.Work.Die.

Thrilling,ain't it? Let's make our own paths in life,can't hurt to try.

Love ya,